
It's the Right Time!

    John & Gabe Ella Naylor and Coleman & Emaline Foster settled in the 1800s in the community of rural Waterford, Mississippi. The families worshipped, worked and socialized together. Several Foster siblings and Naylor siblings were also married!


    Below is a photo of a confirmation sheet for a Naylor-Foster Reunion in Waterford, that was hosted by some of the Naylor siblings in 1977. Hundreds of attendees gathered to fellowship, share family history, good food and new family additions were introduced at the event.


    As  loved ones transitioned from this earth, this reunion was no longer consistent and fell through the cracks. Even though there were individual Naylor and Foster reunions, people became distant, lost touch with each other and new generations were not taught about the family history.


    Last summer a group of family members were reminiscing about reunions and the discussion evolved into a planning session for a reunion. The agreement was that new generations (in both groups) were disconnected from the family. The group decided to reboot this event. With prayer and motivation the plans moved forward! And now it's on!

    Come join the fun, bond with loved ones that you have not seen in years (or met), and fellowship with your family members!

We look forward to seeing you!!

Love and Blessings,

Kickoff Committee

Pam, Dwayne and Jen

We are from both family trees!!

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